Galileo can scale up and down to fit your needs. In March, we generated 4K pages of keyword research for Marriott International on short notice.
Galileo’s tactics score quick wins. In the first month of service, Titan Casket saw a 30% increase in organic traffic and 45% increase in Page 1 Rankings.
Galileo Tech Media provides award-winning, on-demand SEO and content marketing solutions to a global clientele. We help businesses scale and succeed by providing a suite of tactical and technical SEO solutions. Our proven methodologies take our partners to the top of the SERPs, improving their Google search rankings and driving all-important conversions.
“We awarded Galileo the “Swiss Army Knife” award because of their can-do attitude and versatility. They always add value by seamlessly integrating with our complex corporate structure.”
“I’ve worked with the Galileo team on a number of projects and highly recommend them. They are thorough, responsive, and always produce high quality work.”
“Working with Galileo has been easy and straightforward. They consistently put out good work.”