About this Episode:
In this episode, Joseph is joined by our special guest Dr. Dave Popple, he is a Corporate Psychologist and President of the Psynet Group. Dr. Popple built Psybil, an assessment platform that measures cognitive skills; drives, and motivations; leadership skills; influencing skills; de-railers, and team fit.
Dave discusses likeability, and how likeability ultimately affects whether or not you will be able to go through the five RISPA hoops, as well as how easily a message is communicated.
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Joseph introduces his topic of this week, overcoming obstacles, as well as his guest, Dr. Dave Popple, a corporate psychologist, and President Psynet Group. Joseph explains how he often struggles with the obstacle of creating ideas for content, and how Statista, a website that has data statistics of over 80,000 topics, has helped him overcome this obstacle. Dave explains how his mindset is through the behaviors of people, and how people think allows him to help others overcome obstacles in decision making, specifically Joseph, who has a SEO-focused thinking process. Joseph and Dave discuss RISPA, a format that Dave has come up with for a decision-making process that stands for, rejection, indifference, skeptical, procrastinate, and attention. Dave goes into the process of how he came up with RISPA, and how these five hoops are always the five obstacles in creating content, selling products, and many other situations.
Joseph and Dave discuss likeability, and how likeability ultimately affects whether or not you will be able to go through the five RISPA hoops, as well as how easily a message is communicated. Dave explains how if you sent out your message with a little bit of counter culture within it, it will likely increase the likeability of you to better get your message communicated to pass through the first hoop of RISPA, and have customers not reject you. They also discuss AI software, and how this software is able to determine likability, specifically joyfulness in content. The two also discuss the Barnum effect, and how this affects marketing, can benefit you and your product, and help you figure out your customer’s interests, similar to how horoscopes are vague to apply to everyone. Dave also explains how he is cautious using the combination of the Barnum effect with AI software, as these are incredibly powerful, and if someone who does not have firm ethics makes use of these can cause devastation.
Joseph and Dave discuss nudging theory, which is when one goes shopping at the grocery store, the high-profit items are at eye level, while the low-profit items are near the ground. Dave gives an example of nudging on his television show, it has a segment where the team picks who will get fired from the company, and there was a voting tie between the mother of the head of the company and another employee on whether or not they will be one of the three people who might get fired. Dave had the ballot redone to break the tie and put the mother higher up on the ballots, and the person who she was tied with at the bottom of the ballot, resulting in seven people changing their vote from the other employee to the mother. The two discuss the balance between likeability and credibility, and how to successfully interest people, a balance is necessary because if either likeability or credibility holds too much power, that interaction will not be as successful.
Joseph and Dave discuss how best to use RISPA to create content, and how it is important to think of RISPA because many people who create content tend to skip overcoming rejection and indifference, ignoring the emotional aspect of marketing. Dave explains that the piece of content that has the biggest impact on his life, The Failure of Nerve, overcame all of RISPA for him, and helped him change his life for the better. Dave explains Psynet Group, and what they do. The two also discuss the software Sybil software, which is the backbone behind Psynet.
00:00:17.160 –> 00:00:21.690 Joseph McElroy: Hello thanks for joining us on this week’s episode of wise content creators.
00:00:33.540 –> 00:00:42.150 Joseph McElroy: Hello thanks for joining us on this week’s episode of wise content creates wealth you’ve heard that content is king well wise content rules, the world.
00:00:42.690 –> 00:00:50.400 Joseph McElroy: This toss cast podcast is about understanding how you can make and utilize wise content to improve your company’s bottom line.
00:00:50.970 –> 00:01:01.380 Joseph McElroy: I am Joseph Franklin McElroy and I am a marketing technology expert who has built multi million dollar companies and i’m also an award winning content producer.
00:01:01.950 –> 00:01:07.830 Joseph McElroy: My company is Galileo tech media leader and providing wise content and smart seo.
00:01:08.100 –> 00:01:19.920 Joseph McElroy: Our wise content is all types of content that incorporates semantic science behavioral science Ai and data to make content that converts better and get better rankings in the search engines.
00:01:20.700 –> 00:01:32.880 Joseph McElroy: on our agenda today is obstacles to visit to making decisions and how to overcome them and today’s guest is Dr David Papa who is an expert at obstacles.
00:01:34.980 –> 00:01:49.920 Joseph McElroy: Sure possible corporate psychologists and President of the sign that group is an expert commentator on workplace psychology and then a consulting producer for business based reality TV shows he’s also a personal friend, as you can see.
00:01:51.420 –> 00:02:08.490 Joseph McElroy: First i’m going to talk about some obstacles, I have and deciding on ideas for content, now, at this point i’m writing blog posts and have two different podcasts going a week I need help all the time, for you know, creating ideas, so you know when I was doing the.
00:02:09.600 –> 00:02:26.730 Joseph McElroy: starting to do, writing and doing blog posts I you know I found out that I am not particularly well managed and it’s why I have a C O for my company, because they can make sure the wheels turn on the tracks on time but.
00:02:27.870 –> 00:02:35.400 Joseph McElroy: I I found that putting deadlines in place for me like having two podcasts a week helped me.
00:02:36.210 –> 00:02:42.750 Joseph McElroy: In the in the in the process of creating podcasts or gave me a deadline and my guests help dictate the nature of the content.
00:02:43.320 –> 00:02:51.090 Joseph McElroy: Another thing I do is I use online tools and my tool tip of the of the of this week is statistics.com.
00:02:51.900 –> 00:03:05.040 Joseph McElroy: Okay that’s s ta ta ta and it’s a leading provider of market and consumer data, but you can get actually a free account with them and there’s also counts, a little bit more.
00:03:05.730 –> 00:03:17.100 Joseph McElroy: Accessibility that are very reasonably priced and statistics COM consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics for more than 220 2000.
00:03:17.640 –> 00:03:36.090 Joseph McElroy: resources and it makes it available in multiple languages, I use this by putting search terms in a into a search box on their site, and this will pull the titles of many receipt research port reports and charts, for example, I went and played today, did I did I entered in content marketing.
00:03:37.500 –> 00:03:49.860 Joseph McElroy: 2021 and again many results, including results saying most valuable content marketing types for moving prospects through the sales funnel according to B2B marketers in the United States and to.
00:03:51.840 –> 00:03:58.290 Joseph McElroy: That is relevant to what I you know my business is and it’s also close enough in time that it makes sense to talk about it.
00:03:58.620 –> 00:04:10.050 Joseph McElroy: And it was a survey among B2B marketing professionals in the United States, which found that according to 55% of the respondents what you might expense, the expect they talked about articles and blog posts.
00:04:10.470 –> 00:04:23.520 Joseph McElroy: But the second most important piece of type of content, which is 43% said that reviews and customer testimonials help move their prospects through the B2B sales funnel So for me.
00:04:23.790 –> 00:04:32.310 Joseph McElroy: That isn’t great information to support a blog post on social proofing or to go out and get a guest for a blog post about social proofing.
00:04:34.470 –> 00:04:44.010 Joseph McElroy: I tried another random search to get interesting information, so I entered in funny content and it came out something actually very relevant to my life is.
00:04:44.850 –> 00:04:54.630 Joseph McElroy: Now, and that was the the title that came up first was actually most popular YouTube videos based upon total global views as of February 2021.
00:04:55.260 –> 00:05:09.090 Joseph McElroy: And that is like completely in my life right now and it revealed that i’m not alone in my torture, I have two year old twins and i’m intimately familiar with the number one video the baby shark debts.
00:05:12.330 –> 00:05:14.580 Joseph McElroy: So that That brings me to my guest.
00:05:16.500 –> 00:05:23.340 Joseph McElroy: The honorary uncle to my children who will soon learn the joy of YouTube children’s video how you doing Dave.
00:05:23.790 –> 00:05:26.370 Dave Popple: i’m doing really well Joseph thanks for having me on.
00:05:27.030 –> 00:05:37.770 Joseph McElroy: All right, yes, I know we’re talking about five obstacles, you need to overcome to get someone to make a decision, but first of all, tell me why should I trust you and telling me how to overcome obstacles in my content.
00:05:37.980 –> 00:05:41.490 Dave Popple: Well, primarily, is because i’m a Gray haired white man.
00:05:43.980 –> 00:05:45.210 Dave Popple: thing you need to know.
00:05:45.540 –> 00:05:45.930 yeah.
00:05:49.080 –> 00:05:52.260 Joseph McElroy: I trust the puppy Okay, we afford I trust the puppy.
00:05:52.590 –> 00:06:04.830 Dave Popple: yeah yeah so don’t know the real reason why Joseph is that you know, while you’re thinking about seo and marketing and all the great things that you do in your life, you know I thought about how people think and.
00:06:05.280 –> 00:06:24.570 Dave Popple: On top of that i’ve interviewed about 1000 executives for jobs here, there and I know how they think and so using that combination of the academia and my experience with those assessments, I think, have a pretty good handle on how to overcome some of their obstacles decision making.
00:06:25.260 –> 00:06:33.060 Joseph McElroy: Great and you’ve also, I think, been involved in producing a lot of content in your career yeah like a TV show that sort of thing right.
00:06:33.330 –> 00:06:34.680 Joseph McElroy: True yeah.
00:06:36.150 –> 00:06:37.500 Joseph McElroy: It was a TV show you.
00:06:38.310 –> 00:06:54.750 Dave Popple: Someone have to go, you know, honestly, it was a great idea, but a perfect example of bad timing when info still a lot of people are still having a hard time finding jobs, we made a show about firing people, so we may not have had the best time but it shows a lot of fun to do.
00:06:54.960 –> 00:07:02.790 Joseph McElroy: is good, well, we were talking about yeah I had your one of your team Members here last week and then the process.
00:07:03.090 –> 00:07:17.070 Joseph McElroy: And because I got interested in the trust factor, but in the process, you introduced the concept about called response that I thought would be very interesting to talk to, and the contents in the context of content, can you go into what risk, I mean.
00:07:17.940 –> 00:07:23.130 Dave Popple: You know so for us, we we create a list, but because we’re not very good at creating acronyms.
00:07:23.190 –> 00:07:23.580 Dave Popple: But it.
00:07:23.640 –> 00:07:37.770 Dave Popple: Was roll off the tongue and it shows there helps us remember that, before somebody is going to make a decision to either use our services or buy our products they have to jump through these hoops internally or mentally.
00:07:38.850 –> 00:07:40.290 Dave Popple: was like Sharon what they are.
00:07:40.650 –> 00:07:41.640 Joseph McElroy: yeah sure go for it.
00:07:41.940 –> 00:07:49.860 Dave Popple: Now, so the first one is rejection and when somebody sees your marketing message, or they.
00:07:50.550 –> 00:07:59.430 Dave Popple: gave you in a sales they know that that you want something from them, they they know that you want them to do something or take some action.
00:07:59.820 –> 00:08:11.520 Dave Popple: and fire human nature, we don’t want to be told what to do, we don’t want to be influenced, and so our initial reaction is to reject the messenger so R stands for rejection.
00:08:12.810 –> 00:08:17.850 Dave Popple: Once i’ve accepted the messenger and there’s there’s some trust that comes into into play there.
00:08:18.480 –> 00:08:34.950 Dave Popple: Then i’m indifferent to the message, and this is an emotional piece, because it doesn’t it doesn’t mean that i’m I don’t believe you yet or those kind of things, but I don’t really care about the message until you can identify why that might be interesting to me.
00:08:35.370 –> 00:08:35.850 Joseph McElroy: mm hmm.
00:08:36.300 –> 00:08:50.760 Dave Popple: So then i’ve accepted you as a messenger second i’m interested in what you have to say, my third thing is i’m skeptical can you really deliver for me what you promised right so.
00:08:51.570 –> 00:08:57.180 Dave Popple: I asked skeptics third and then then some strange things that are very unique to human beings happen.
00:08:58.080 –> 00:09:06.300 Dave Popple: Even if I accept the messenger want the product or service, and I believe you can deliver for some reason, I still procrastinate.
00:09:06.690 –> 00:09:18.480 Dave Popple: right that has a little bit to do with by attention because I go and pay attention to one thing at a time and if you move something else, or something else comes into my attention span I tend to forget about the decision I made a little ego.
00:09:19.770 –> 00:09:31.530 Dave Popple: And finally, the the eight is anxiety so there’s something about signing on the dotted line or making that choice that makes us all just a little bit anxious.
00:09:32.340 –> 00:09:41.010 Dave Popple: or respond rejection indifference skepticism procrastination and anxiety and once I get those hoops the sales made.
00:09:41.340 –> 00:09:49.260 Joseph McElroy: So, how does something like this get developed, how do you discover this, how did, how was it discovered, you know yeah.
00:09:49.350 –> 00:10:02.490 Dave Popple: So initially started with just a basic logic right, if you think about it, as I said, most of your listeners are going ah, that makes sense and if they think about the last time they are on the used car lot.
00:10:02.820 –> 00:10:03.300 Joseph McElroy: And they.
00:10:03.390 –> 00:10:10.950 Dave Popple: wow you know that sale, a woman or sales man went through all those five things with me so that that’s how I initially came to my mind.
00:10:11.400 –> 00:10:20.670 Dave Popple: And then we start to look at the research and there’s some really great people out there from you know called Dini, who have child at i’m not exactly sure how you pronounce his name.
00:10:21.720 –> 00:10:31.170 Dave Popple: Was with his book on influence and some other pieces of research it’s easy to see how those five groups are the other five they’re out there.
00:10:31.650 –> 00:10:38.460 Joseph McElroy: cool and if you use this in any kind of what kind of context is this, for your your business or your practice.
00:10:38.700 –> 00:10:51.990 Dave Popple: yep so we use it in almost every situation where we want some we have some call to action so it’s how we structure our emails it’s how we structure our blogs it’s how we.
00:10:53.700 –> 00:11:05.550 Dave Popple: structure and focus on our sales calls, even when we do our 15 minute introductions across the board anytime I want somebody to do something i’m using this structure.
00:11:07.050 –> 00:11:11.580 Joseph McElroy: cool do you train you train your your writers and your people to use it, the structure.
00:11:12.240 –> 00:11:20.640 Dave Popple: As a matter of fact, when people start to do their to write content for us originally we use these five things as headings.
00:11:21.000 –> 00:11:21.390 Joseph McElroy: And then.
00:11:21.630 –> 00:11:28.590 Dave Popple: And then each section now of course they don’t sharpen settings on our our content, but we use it as y’all wine.
00:11:29.700 –> 00:11:42.690 Joseph McElroy: cool I mean because you know, a business, and you know i’ve had i’ve had experience scaling you know doing content development so it’s I think it’s great to know that it can be trained to people.
00:11:43.710 –> 00:11:51.900 Joseph McElroy: So when when we get back we’re going to dig a little deeper into what each one of these these areas understand how we can apply that to content.
00:11:52.410 –> 00:11:55.920 Dave Popple: yeah I think you’re going to find some really interesting ideas coming up.
00:11:56.220 –> 00:11:57.060 Joseph McElroy: Alright sounds good.
00:14:54.270 –> 00:15:07.590 Joseph McElroy: Hello is Joseph Franklin McElroy back with the wise content creates wealth podcasts and my guest Dr Dave possible so Dave and what ways can we overcome rejection if we’re not there in person.
00:15:08.220 –> 00:15:15.030 Dave Popple: You know what’s really interesting about this is, you have just a fraction of time in order to jump through this who.
00:15:15.960 –> 00:15:24.540 Dave Popple: And there are some things I mean a little jump with the puppy earlier but that made me someone likable you know, because the puppies a likable puppy.
00:15:24.810 –> 00:15:44.610 Dave Popple: And that may be overcame some rejection associated with the Gray hair so that’s that’s one one opportunity to do it, but initially that very first line has to focus the attention of the listener, or the reader so, for example, we have a tool that does assessment in a new way.
00:15:45.270 –> 00:15:54.210 Dave Popple: And so we can get attention just by raising the question are you the type of person that’s open minded about new technologies.
00:15:54.660 –> 00:16:05.550 Dave Popple: So, even though, in reality, probably less to populate less than half the population is about 90 to 95% of the people are going to say that they are when asked a question.
00:16:06.390 –> 00:16:14.430 Dave Popple: Then they’re gonna say well yeah I am interested in new technologies and that that gets us to the chance to to jump to the next.
00:16:15.630 –> 00:16:32.040 Joseph McElroy: cool so i’m like ability what you know when you’re writing, I guess, I mean you know I guess you could try and figure it out, but what do you what what clinically or behaviorally makes a message likable you know that people would interpret as likable.
00:16:32.610 –> 00:16:40.590 Dave Popple: So, initially, I think there was a good example, maybe that’s easier to show if you’ve been watching geico commercials.
00:16:41.160 –> 00:16:54.720 Dave Popple: geico has everything from a caveman to some lizard to rod sterling type character and all of their messages are just we can save you 15% or more on car insurance.
00:16:55.230 –> 00:17:07.770 Dave Popple: And for the rest of its 30 minutes because they’re using some form of humor to make that more interesting and more likable when all they really want to communicate to you is you can save 15% or more on car insurance.
00:17:07.890 –> 00:17:09.510 Dave Popple: And the fact that I remember.
00:17:09.810 –> 00:17:28.230 Dave Popple: That they’ll see me that amount of time that amount of money on my car insurance, even though I don’t use geico shows just how effective that really is because they are so likable because what’s not likable about a big I you know lizard or a blast from my past the rod serling mm hmm.
00:17:28.650 –> 00:17:37.980 Joseph McElroy: Well, what are you doing say what if you’re writing something for the paragraph, for your blog post, what do you do the instantly to make it likable what process, do you go through.
00:17:38.610 –> 00:17:43.170 Dave Popple: So what we do is we do something for is trying to say something that’s going to be.
00:17:43.620 –> 00:17:54.300 Dave Popple: somewhat controversial and this is something I learned from Michael shine is a really fantastic writer to throw them a bone and just wrote a book called the hype handbook it’s well worth people’s time.
00:17:54.900 –> 00:18:05.670 Dave Popple: But in that in that he he suggests that you have to throw something out there that’s just a little bit counter cultural or a little bit counterintuitive.
00:18:06.780 –> 00:18:18.270 Dave Popple: That is something that creates some interest and likeability almost immediately, so you know will say something like you know your old ways of doing assessment, no longer work.
00:18:18.930 –> 00:18:29.970 Dave Popple: Marshall Goldsmith there’s another consultant says what got you here won’t get you there, these are all little things that go ah that’s right and immediately, I want to hear a little bit more.
00:18:30.510 –> 00:18:40.110 Joseph McElroy: So it’s sort of taking a bold stand, you know and making people have to confront it one way or another, but because you’re at least asking it that makes you likable that.
00:18:40.350 –> 00:18:42.270 Dave Popple: makes you likable because it made me think.
00:18:43.020 –> 00:18:51.330 Joseph McElroy: So that makes me ask you that it does um Can you also use, unlike ability to get people to not reject you.
00:18:53.010 –> 00:19:05.880 Dave Popple: So it’s really interesting because there’s a great saying right there’s no such thing as bad press there’s only impressed, and as long as somebody’s on somebody’s radar all the time you’re at least focusing their attention.
00:19:06.330 –> 00:19:07.050 Dave Popple: Right and.
00:19:08.160 –> 00:19:24.960 Dave Popple: In, for example, our our ex President somehow keeps showing up on the news on CNN in ways that we you know we never said, in my opinion, maybe not the most likable guy but he will not let us forget it.
00:19:25.380 –> 00:19:32.520 Dave Popple: Right that’s maybe an example of all unlike ability still focusing my attention on that message.
00:19:32.940 –> 00:19:41.250 Joseph McElroy: Well don’t like most you know most recruits in the army, they go through with a drill sergeant they don’t really like them, but they end up the love and trust them right.
00:19:43.170 –> 00:19:56.310 Dave Popple: yeah well, that is a another thing because they some people would consider that the Stockholm syndrome, but what’s really happening in that process is that they created some structure and some security and that’s what makes those people like.
00:19:57.240 –> 00:20:06.750 Joseph McElroy: huh well that’s cool so that’d be you know, I was looking at you know I look at Ai programs right and there’s some that are trying to be.
00:20:08.190 –> 00:20:20.220 Joseph McElroy: Trying to analyze content and give you what the nature, what that what it is, and when I saw actually today was is, they say, well, this content is full of joy now how would they actually know that.
00:20:20.910 –> 00:20:26.160 Joseph McElroy: I mean, I think Julia would be something that’s likable right what would What would you conceptually think is the way they would know that.
00:20:26.460 –> 00:20:36.690 Dave Popple: So, Ai doesn’t come out of the atmosphere right there’s somebody somewhere that thinks that these words are this combination of words.
00:20:37.020 –> 00:20:49.980 Dave Popple: bring some amount of joy and once those are then once the machine is that top that then machine starts to associate related content to that phrase, and eventually it starts to make you know.
00:20:51.240 –> 00:20:54.330 Dave Popple: overarching decisions, whether or not it’s it’s joyful or not.
00:20:54.570 –> 00:20:56.730 Joseph McElroy: So the thing is is based upon individual words up the.
00:20:56.730 –> 00:20:58.710 Joseph McElroy: way it works, the way the word to put together.
00:20:58.860 –> 00:21:07.230 Dave Popple: Now I do think the way the words are put together they use an exclamation marks, combined with certain types of words.
00:21:08.370 –> 00:21:18.090 Dave Popple: The how long sentences are short sentences are all these are things that Ai picks up particular joyful responses are short responses.
00:21:19.260 –> 00:21:22.830 Dave Popple: And Ai knows that because somebody taught it.
00:21:24.150 –> 00:21:28.470 Joseph McElroy: cool so here, you were talking about interests.
00:21:29.760 –> 00:21:43.530 Joseph McElroy: And this is, you know this is interesting to me if everybody’s interests are different when we when somebody comes to a piece of content, how can we overcome this earth this hurdle of difference with a marketing message.
00:21:43.860 –> 00:21:49.950 Dave Popple: I so i’m gonna i’m going to tell you a little bit of a secret here that is everybody’s really not that different.
00:21:50.820 –> 00:21:59.070 Dave Popple: That I think is a really important to know, because there are consultants and others who are making a living off of telling people that.
00:21:59.460 –> 00:22:07.560 Dave Popple: If you’re in private equity your your business is so unique it’s got to have this type of message, or if you’re selling mcdonald’s and so unique.
00:22:08.340 –> 00:22:14.400 Dave Popple: But that’s not really the case so there’s two things two ways I want to go with this one is that.
00:22:15.180 –> 00:22:25.830 Dave Popple: Our interests vary, based on the situation and that’s where a guy named PT Barnum who used to run the circus and had this great line called there’s a sucker born every minute.
00:22:26.490 –> 00:22:38.070 Dave Popple: He knew that he could say something and know, even though they may be completely opposite people would still endorse it as called the Barnum effect, and so in marketing.
00:22:39.000 –> 00:22:44.340 Dave Popple: You may say something to somebody like him do you consider yourself to be a flexible person.
00:22:45.120 –> 00:22:56.940 Dave Popple: And as the listener i’m going to think about that time when I changed my mind or made a different decision i’m going to say yeah i’m flexible and then they’re going to i’m going to endorse that idea that same.
00:22:57.510 –> 00:23:09.510 Dave Popple: That same advertiser two hours later, may say you know, are you a person that sticks to their guns and i’m gonna say yeah i’m a person that stick to my guns it’s exactly the opposite behaviour.
00:23:10.200 –> 00:23:22.860 Dave Popple: But because I they send it to me, and I think about it yeah that’s me in both situations that’s called the Barnum effect and that’s now a marketer get.
00:23:23.430 –> 00:23:33.900 Dave Popple: captures my interest because they’re tapping in to some memory that I have when I behaved or active that way and that’s how they tap into my interests.
00:23:34.470 –> 00:23:48.300 Joseph McElroy: Oh interesting I guess that’s you ever seen that all those score this does you know the horoscopes and it goes through it every time they have one did you look at and say, well, that could be me, is it, are they using that as they’re making the positive statements.
00:23:49.350 –> 00:23:52.350 Joseph McElroy: And you can pick up the time that that applied to you yeah.
00:23:52.770 –> 00:24:02.760 Dave Popple: i’ll give you an example there’s a show coming on HBO premiered last night at HBO Max the talks about personality assessments and you know.
00:24:03.420 –> 00:24:11.670 Dave Popple: What they’re really focusing on is a particular town it’s called the myers briggs and I think that you might have been at the House the other night when we were.
00:24:12.360 –> 00:24:21.810 Dave Popple: Reading off the descriptions of the myers briggs or 16 different types and every single description i’m going yeah that can be me.
00:24:22.320 –> 00:24:39.960 Dave Popple: yeah that can be me so even personality tests, like the myers briggs use this Barnum of back to get you to think that they had some deep look into your soul when really you’re just recognizing the parts of you that that were to at any given time within that description.
00:24:40.470 –> 00:24:41.730 Joseph McElroy: So you could you could.
00:24:42.750 –> 00:24:58.260 Joseph McElroy: You could start a you couldn’t you start a message or an article or a video or something like that to make some sort of statements that you’re a person that’s flexible, I know that right, and they would go yeah they would think, then this is for them right.
00:24:58.590 –> 00:25:01.260 Dave Popple: Exactly that’s exactly how it’s how it’s done.
00:25:01.710 –> 00:25:07.410 Joseph McElroy: Well that’s that’s a clever that’s a clever way to have in your pocket way to start something.
00:25:08.490 –> 00:25:12.810 Joseph McElroy: And then, little later change it around and do something else i’ve worked for the other person right.
00:25:13.410 –> 00:25:21.300 Dave Popple: You couldn’t and you know, maybe this is, I need to generate make this this note, part of the issue here is that.
00:25:21.750 –> 00:25:36.030 Dave Popple: When you take these tools and place them into the hands of people that lack ethics, these can be really dangerous and so that’s why I had become a little bit nervous about sharing some of the ideas, because if somebody wanted to influence for ban.
00:25:37.170 –> 00:25:52.260 Dave Popple: The this could definitely happen, I think we’ve seen that in some situations in our politics, but if you take the approach that when I sell or market if I do that ethically i’m just solving a problem and then these things can be really valuable.
00:25:52.590 –> 00:26:03.810 Joseph McElroy: What would you say, though, that that information is gonna get out anyway wouldn’t it be better to educate people about what’s being used to manipulate them so that they can then understand it when they see it.
00:26:04.140 –> 00:26:12.150 Dave Popple: yeah that’s that’s what a longer call DVDs original idea was we want the book influence and I had a conversation with him and he told me was that.
00:26:13.350 –> 00:26:21.840 Dave Popple: I wrote this book because I wanted to protect people against undue influence, however, nobody from a consumer protection agency.
00:26:22.170 –> 00:26:34.590 Dave Popple: Ever wrote to him and asked him about it instead it was sales organizations and marketing organizations and even some political organizations, those are the ones that start to to ring as well.
00:26:35.670 –> 00:26:40.710 Dave Popple: So, yes, we should all be educated about how our dudgeon directions.
00:26:41.790 –> 00:26:45.060 Dave Popple: But it seems like consumer protection agency’s just aren’t that interested.
00:26:45.660 –> 00:26:51.270 Joseph McElroy: Okay cool well when I get we get back we’re gonna ask you about something you mentioned.
00:26:51.690 –> 00:27:04.560 Joseph McElroy: When we were talking and that’s what is the nudging theory and how that affects your interests, and we have to get there, a lot of information here so we’ll try to do it in the next segment, for the most part, all right talk to you soon.
00:27:06.210 –> 00:27:09.510 and listening to talk radio nyc.
00:29:51.840 –> 00:30:08.010 Joseph McElroy: hi this is Joseph Franklin McElroy back with Why is content creates wealth podcast and my guest Dr Dave possible so Dave I when we’re when we’re talking about getting somebody’s interest we’re also we’re talking about overcoming their indifference correct.
00:30:08.370 –> 00:30:09.960 Dave Popple: Yes, that’s actually how it works.
00:30:10.080 –> 00:30:19.830 Joseph McElroy: Okay cool i’m trying to keep us matched to the the acronym so you had mentioned something about nudging theory and when you mentioned it, I sort of shook my head.
00:30:20.610 –> 00:30:27.540 Joseph McElroy: In our conversation like I knew it because I always like to pretend like i’m smart, but I don’t know what it is and how does that affect our interest.
00:30:29.040 –> 00:30:34.320 Dave Popple: So there’s a fantastic book written about nudge and it’s used in a lot of different ways.
00:30:35.340 –> 00:30:44.340 Dave Popple: You know first time I ever remember seeing it was walking to the grocery store and noticing that all the high margin items are right at my I link.
00:30:44.850 –> 00:30:53.610 Dave Popple: or right, where I would go and then the low margin items tend to be on the floor on the shelves, where I can’t see so that was the first experience I ever had with knowledge.
00:30:54.000 –> 00:31:00.990 Dave Popple: And then I would go to some of these chain, restaurants and all of the high margin menu items sharp at the beginning.
00:31:01.350 –> 00:31:19.590 Dave Popple: And all the low margin items stuff is that the depth of back and so these are some really small examples of knowledge and what they are our unconscious activities that cause us to focus our attention on something that we may or may not have focused on before.
00:31:20.730 –> 00:31:23.310 Joseph McElroy: How would that affect interested in content.
00:31:24.600 –> 00:31:25.080 Dave Popple: well.
00:31:27.060 –> 00:31:34.500 Dave Popple: It has to do in sometimes where you play some of the focal items within the within the messaging.
00:31:35.400 –> 00:31:44.160 Dave Popple: It can be as simple as putting things in the Center upper right corner, so not in the far upper right, but just a little bit to the right.
00:31:44.940 –> 00:32:05.160 Dave Popple: That that is one of the areas we tend to look at first and i’m not sure why that is know, logically, but it happens, but there are a lot of ways, that this is used and we’re just not even aware of it and have a have an example and i’m a little bit reticent to share with you but.
00:32:06.810 –> 00:32:16.650 Dave Popple: Now there’s been enough it’s been a long enough time where I can confess, this, so this is one of those are never before confessed to auto radio show that are that.
00:32:17.760 –> 00:32:31.620 Dave Popple: You mentioned earlier that we had there that I had a TV show and part of that TV show was one in which you could pick or the team pick three people that might be fired from that company.
00:32:32.520 –> 00:32:42.960 Dave Popple: And our very, very first show we it was set up in such a way, where there were two people that very likely should have been fired and they got the.
00:32:43.320 –> 00:32:53.250 Dave Popple: The first and second most votes among all the participants in the shelf, but then there was a tie, for the third and the fourth and in that situation.
00:32:53.790 –> 00:33:01.680 Dave Popple: The the tie was between the mother of the owner and then another person who is exactly like the first two.
00:33:02.310 –> 00:33:13.500 Dave Popple: Well, this is reality TV and we want the show to be interesting and it’s a lot more interesting when the employees have the potential of firing the mother than just firing another guy on the show.
00:33:13.590 –> 00:33:25.650 Dave Popple: Right, so all I did was we redid the balance we took the worst guy put them on the top of the balance right, we took the mother put her second.
00:33:26.670 –> 00:33:38.040 Dave Popple: We took the second worst guy put in third and then drop the other guy down down towards the bottom of the ballot that cause seven people to change their vote.
00:33:38.910 –> 00:33:55.230 Dave Popple: No other intervention so that’s an example of just how powerful it is based on where you place things and put things that you’re able to nudge people into thinking something where they thought it was their idea and it wasn’t they were matched into it.
00:33:55.230 –> 00:34:03.150 Joseph McElroy: So in content, if you put the the conclusions of a you want them to reach closer to the top of save a series of possible things.
00:34:03.600 –> 00:34:16.320 Joseph McElroy: or whatever, that would be or you know, when you say, what are the most 10 most important things to do to market and you put seo number one yeah they’re more likely to think that seo is the one of the top ones.
00:34:16.650 –> 00:34:17.340 Joseph McElroy: Exactly.
00:34:17.460 –> 00:34:19.530 Dave Popple: All right, so that’s a great example of it.
00:34:19.830 –> 00:34:31.860 Joseph McElroy: yeah all right great um so you’ve got their interest, now, how do you overcome their their skepticism, how do you show proof that you can you can meet those interests.
00:34:32.190 –> 00:34:36.870 Dave Popple: This is, this is where there are two distinct ways that people consume this information.
00:34:37.680 –> 00:34:45.780 Dave Popple: One has to do with numbers and people have an assumption that if you’re throwing out some numbers that it must be right.
00:34:46.380 –> 00:34:52.980 Dave Popple: Right and part of that is because it takes a lot of energy for us to think these things through on our own.
00:34:53.520 –> 00:35:02.610 Dave Popple: And if we spend time putting that much thinking time and every single decision we made we’d be constantly exhausted and we make very few decisions.
00:35:03.030 –> 00:35:14.940 Dave Popple: So when somebody comes along and they say 87% of people did this and 52 did this, and you can make you know 150,000 more a million dollars a year anytime they start throwing out numbers.
00:35:15.420 –> 00:35:21.870 Dave Popple: there’s a subset of the population that automatically seems that, as proved, even if they don’t check the data.
00:35:22.350 –> 00:35:27.240 Dave Popple: nicely and then there’s another step that wants to hear a story.
00:35:27.900 –> 00:35:41.760 Dave Popple: And so, if you can just tell them a story about somebody who won or felt better or was more successful and even if you don’t use numbers if they can put themselves mentally into that story.
00:35:42.360 –> 00:35:48.690 Dave Popple: Then that’s enough for now so two things one is numbers, the second is getting people to put themselves into the store.
00:35:49.230 –> 00:35:57.150 Joseph McElroy: So in that that first story I mentioned about social proof being the you know reviews and customer testimonials being the second most.
00:35:58.680 –> 00:36:08.130 Joseph McElroy: Useful content for moving people people through the B2B funnel which do you think that, where do whatever to those triggers do you think it triggers the stats are the story.
00:36:08.550 –> 00:36:10.890 Dave Popple: You know, to me that’s just that sounds like a number to me.
00:36:12.600 –> 00:36:21.870 Joseph McElroy: Right well your testimonials will be somebody there be like several people going Oh, the testimonies would be somebody say oh I won’t use this company, and it was great that sort of thing.
00:36:22.080 –> 00:36:22.440 yeah.
00:36:24.720 –> 00:36:26.280 Dave Popple: anytime you can integrate the two.
00:36:26.610 –> 00:36:26.940 Dave Popple: Now.
00:36:27.360 –> 00:36:28.440 Dave Popple: That goes a long way.
00:36:28.830 –> 00:36:33.840 Joseph McElroy: So you think that would be highly effective in terms of overcoming skepticism yeah.
00:36:33.900 –> 00:36:43.650 Dave Popple: And there’s there’s a great word that we use a lot and that’s we say imagine you know, imagine in two years, your business grew by twice as much.
00:36:44.910 –> 00:36:58.350 Dave Popple: That all sudden i’m i’m two years ahead i’m thinking about my business be more successful and i’m much more interested in are much more believing that I can get there, because I can now picture in my head.
00:36:59.970 –> 00:37:04.890 Joseph McElroy: So you know I think you’ve successfully done it, but you held up a little puppy dog at the beginning.
00:37:06.270 –> 00:37:15.450 Joseph McElroy: You know and cute and cuddly but then you’ve established the to really know what you’re talking about is their trade off between the lack of likeability and credibility.
00:37:15.840 –> 00:37:18.750 Dave Popple: I think you definitely have to balance the two because.
00:37:19.800 –> 00:37:31.740 Dave Popple: it’s there was a potential right that this could have been a very dense academic type thing, especially when you when you introduce me as Dr Papa people immediately.
00:37:32.310 –> 00:37:42.900 Dave Popple: believe that they’re not really understand what i’m talking about anyways So hopefully once they got a taste of my personality and they realized that it wasn’t going to be their assumption.
00:37:44.130 –> 00:37:46.500 Dave Popple: That that like ability lead us into that.
00:37:48.210 –> 00:37:48.750 Dave Popple: More.
00:37:49.860 –> 00:37:51.420 Dave Popple: Relevant dialogue.
00:37:52.200 –> 00:37:58.860 Joseph McElroy: Right, and you know what I apologize, the people that only listening on the on the audio I forgot to mention that he was holding up the puppy.
00:38:00.360 –> 00:38:01.980 Joseph McElroy: But it didn’t get it that’s what he was doing.
00:38:03.270 –> 00:38:09.120 Joseph McElroy: So Dave we all procrastinate So how can we get people to act and not just.
00:38:10.110 –> 00:38:10.530 Dave Popple: yep so.
00:38:11.220 –> 00:38:12.330 Joseph McElroy: What crux of it now.
00:38:13.680 –> 00:38:23.010 Dave Popple: let’s talk about these last two together right talk about progressive nation and anxiety because the solution to them both is the exact opposite.
00:38:23.760 –> 00:38:34.590 Dave Popple: So for procrastination there has to be some sense of urgency, which means that if I don’t act now i’m going to lose an opportunity it’s it’s one of those things.
00:38:35.010 –> 00:38:41.160 Dave Popple: Why, you know, to get the phone call from the telemarketer you know this opportunity expires at midnight.
00:38:41.730 –> 00:38:47.910 Dave Popple: Right or a car dealer said that can only hold this car are there, there were three other people looking at the same car today.
00:38:48.390 –> 00:38:53.790 Dave Popple: What they’re trying to do is to create some sense of urgency and me, which is some anxiety.
00:38:54.630 –> 00:39:10.020 Dave Popple: And now i’ve got some anxiety and I want to act, but my anxiety level is still high, so I need to do something as the marketer the salesperson to bring that anxiety down into a zone where it’s enough that I remember the act.
00:39:11.280 –> 00:39:26.370 Dave Popple: But not so much that I panic and freeze and that’s how the to work together, so the urgency is what I the way that I create that is the idea that there’s going to be a lost opportunity if I don’t act.
00:39:27.750 –> 00:39:41.490 Dave Popple: The anxiety is really simple all you have to do is quickly summarize what you did to overcome rejection in difference skepticism so I might say something like.
00:39:42.570 –> 00:39:49.710 Dave Popple: You know, Joseph you and I haven’t known each other for a long time, and I know you really like i’m a beers.
00:39:50.310 –> 00:39:59.940 Dave Popple: Right and I have found an IPA via that you really going to get along as a matter of fact, the last 10 people I gave it to nine of them said it was a best they’ve ever had.
00:40:00.930 –> 00:40:10.830 Dave Popple: So what I did there very quickly is I just summarize those three things and now, when I make the ass Joseph would you like to buy a six pack of this IPA mere for me.
00:40:12.270 –> 00:40:16.140 Dave Popple: it’s not such a terrible decision, even if i’m asking twice the price.
00:40:16.980 –> 00:40:19.380 Joseph McElroy: I see cool so.
00:40:21.900 –> 00:40:27.480 Joseph McElroy: that’s uh yeah now you missed it my mind racing i’m trying to figure out how to pronounce start applying it.
00:40:29.880 –> 00:40:31.740 Joseph McElroy: In and what I do.
00:40:32.280 –> 00:40:36.420 Dave Popple: know you come over tonight, and I do have some ipas in the refrigerator for yeah so.
00:40:37.080 –> 00:40:48.780 Joseph McElroy: So you know you really to make the taking how you do a rational approach to what is a set out essentially subconscious activity buying decisions or a subconscious activity.
00:40:50.250 –> 00:40:52.860 Joseph McElroy: So if we give them.
00:40:54.390 –> 00:41:09.960 Joseph McElroy: If we give them rational reasons to buy should should we actually trust their decision, especially if you’re in a you’re in a you’re in a buying process that you know it’s not instantaneous transaction but you’re committed a lot of resources to them.
00:41:11.040 –> 00:41:19.290 Joseph McElroy: To them in the buying process with them, should you just trust that they really made that decision if they did on rational reasons that you gave.
00:41:19.680 –> 00:41:30.840 Dave Popple: No i’ll tell you why most buying decisions I don’t say all but most buying decisions are made, based on irrationality and then justified.
00:41:31.260 –> 00:41:40.680 Dave Popple: With their reasoning abilities, instead of it being the other way around, so what you when you are giving things like numbers and stories and showing proof.
00:41:41.400 –> 00:41:51.180 Dave Popple: All you’re really doing is giving their brain the ammunition, they need to justify the decision, they already made out of an irrational process.
00:41:52.230 –> 00:41:54.030 Joseph McElroy: Alright cool alright so.
00:41:55.440 –> 00:42:06.990 Joseph McElroy: we’ll come back it’s gonna be the final segment we’ll just finish up you know, so you can summarize some things that might be worthwhile for our readers noon to tell us a little bit about what you do and and then and go from there.
00:42:07.230 –> 00:42:07.860 Dave Popple: sounds good.
00:44:24.450 –> 00:44:36.780 Joseph McElroy: Hello is Joseph Franklin McElroy back with the wise content creates wealth podcasts and my guest Dr Dave possible so Dave you’ve just given us a mind lowness with a lot of information about.
00:44:37.830 –> 00:44:38.760 Joseph McElroy: This response.
00:44:39.780 –> 00:44:40.650 Joseph McElroy: concept.
00:44:42.270 –> 00:44:49.230 Joseph McElroy: And you know now i’m trying, you know he started mentioning things, all of a sudden my mind goes off into start having to use this.
00:44:49.770 –> 00:45:06.840 Joseph McElroy: You know how to you know, put it into some sort of process of content production, how would you approach telling a company to you know employ some of these techniques and with the writers, to get them to think about it and and put it into content.
00:45:07.860 –> 00:45:22.200 Dave Popple: So I think there’s a couple ways I mentioned earlier in the podcast that you can use them as headings that once you you’ve written your content you that you raised a headache so that I think is probably the easiest way to do it.
00:45:23.220 –> 00:45:32.010 Dave Popple: for companies that are a little more creative there’s a game that you can play which a person can continue to talk through their message.
00:45:32.580 –> 00:45:48.120 Dave Popple: And another person listening to the message you know either with a red or green flag or whatever they want to do to signal once they feel like they’ve jumped to the hurdle, they say Okay, and then that triggers the person to practice by getting into the next hurdle.
00:45:48.480 –> 00:45:55.740 Dave Popple: And then, once they’ve jumped over that hurdle boom again and they just go through it, so what that does is it allows us to have.
00:45:56.130 –> 00:46:12.990 Dave Popple: Another person, giving us some feedback as to how we’re doing and jumping through the hurdle, but it also helps us do these things in order, because one of the mistakes that I see over and over and over again, is people jump right into proof because that’s what they’re good at.
00:46:13.380 –> 00:46:15.390 Dave Popple: Maybe they forget to connect to me.
00:46:15.420 –> 00:46:29.100 Dave Popple: and overcome rejection, they forget to talk about my interest instead they just want to talk to me about all their data that suggests, they can do it, and by that I don’t care so that’s that those two tools, I think, are really quite effective.
00:46:30.150 –> 00:46:43.290 Joseph McElroy: So interesting you know you think about that I think that’s, that is, that is true that do they do, they also just stick to proof do they had tried to overcome anxiety is that another thing that they don’t do.
00:46:43.800 –> 00:46:56.640 Dave Popple: Now, especially people that like it’s like in our field we only have Dr Lee trained psychologists, that means that we spend a lot of time in the rational intended nor the the irrational.
00:46:57.060 –> 00:47:06.180 Dave Popple: Because the academic part now because of the psychology part, and so they do forget that there’s a an emotional component to this buying.
00:47:06.570 –> 00:47:15.720 Dave Popple: And they do stick with the proof and they get confused when they’ve given you like 15 different case studies, why you’re still not you know pulling the trigger.
00:47:17.070 –> 00:47:20.550 Joseph McElroy: So, aside from your PhD thesis.
00:47:21.690 –> 00:47:28.590 Joseph McElroy: What is the what is the piece of content, do you think has had the biggest impact upon your life your professional career.
00:47:30.630 –> 00:47:37.440 Dave Popple: Well that’s a good question um So for me it’s it’s it’s mostly books, and this is an old one.
00:47:38.370 –> 00:47:49.050 Dave Popple: But it’s called the failure of nerve and the reason why the failure of nerve had such an impact on me is that it overcome mine came my initial rejection.
00:47:49.560 –> 00:47:55.920 Dave Popple: Because it was connected to the theorists that I most was interested in so that initially I wanted to listen.
00:47:56.550 –> 00:48:07.140 Dave Popple: And overcame my indifference, because I wanted to be a better leader and so initially the book immediately spoke to my ability to be a better leader, and it was very counterintuitive.
00:48:07.830 –> 00:48:17.730 Dave Popple: And then it overcame my skepticism because the the theoretical background to this has is so solid that.
00:48:18.480 –> 00:48:30.720 Dave Popple: It made a lot of sense and the person who originally wrote it was doing consulting, for you know, five or six different major governments, including Russia and the United States, which I thought was unique.
00:48:31.500 –> 00:48:39.840 Dave Popple: So that book had a big impact on me and that’s how it jumped to the respond formula to get me on to be interested cool.
00:48:40.290 –> 00:48:47.490 Joseph McElroy: So let’s let’s do some do some self promoting now all right, so you have three different businesses right.
00:48:48.750 –> 00:48:51.720 Joseph McElroy: Essentially, so you want to talk about sign that group first.
00:48:52.080 –> 00:49:02.190 Dave Popple: Sure, so sign up group is is focuses on three different things, we have a tool that helps us with assessment that tool was built.
00:49:03.360 –> 00:49:16.620 Dave Popple: Based on the back of 1000 executive assessments that i’ve done every assessment in it took over 2000 hours to volunteer time so it’s about 14,000 hours altogether put into it.
00:49:17.130 –> 00:49:30.000 Dave Popple: And we really cared about the user experience, so it takes about 40% less time than the average assessment would take that would gain the same amount of information, so the first part of it is this assessment gathering information.
00:49:30.780 –> 00:49:45.240 Dave Popple: The second part that we’re really excited about is that we’ve gone into organizations and start destruction of in a way that the work is more satisfying as well as a company being more optimized and it has to do with things like.
00:49:46.560 –> 00:49:52.110 Dave Popple: Creating an advice culture where only one person makes a decision, but they get advice from all the stakeholders.
00:49:52.560 –> 00:49:57.360 Dave Popple: And it has to do with flattening out the hierarchy now has to do with the natural meritocracy meeting.
00:49:58.110 –> 00:50:05.310 Dave Popple: i’m warded on the value I create for the for the company, so those structures and restructuring is really, really powerful.
00:50:06.240 –> 00:50:17.640 Dave Popple: And then, finally, we do leadership development and coaching we use a neurological model called Asia which we create awareness, we struggle, a lot with the person to come up with.
00:50:18.030 –> 00:50:28.290 Dave Popple: The best insights, which is the eye and Asia, and then, finally, we hold them accountable to the action plan so those three things assessments of individuals organizations and teams.
00:50:28.920 –> 00:50:37.020 Dave Popple: Developing the best possible structures for optimization and finally doing that leadership development and coaching that’s what sign that group is all about.
00:50:37.620 –> 00:50:52.530 Joseph McElroy: So, would you be able to do assessments of, say, people were trying to find writers and content producers that would find out if they’d be a good fit they would be able to produce the right kind of content with communicating message for that company, would you be able to do that.
00:50:52.860 –> 00:51:01.890 Dave Popple: We could we could do it and there’s two two things we look at one we want to look to see if the person is capable in the role and second.
00:51:02.460 –> 00:51:11.220 Dave Popple: Are they going to be a good fit for that company, so you wouldn’t hire somebody that writes fluff pieces for.
00:51:11.580 –> 00:51:24.510 Dave Popple: You know, an academic journal right they’re going to get left on over to pay attention the same person you wouldn’t use an academic writer to you know, to build some excitement or interest in something so that that’s where the culture fit is so both can right.
00:51:25.590 –> 00:51:27.390 Dave Popple: But the the fit is really crucial.
00:51:28.620 –> 00:51:31.950 Joseph McElroy: Then, your other you know another one of the businesses is the software right.
00:51:32.790 –> 00:51:41.580 Dave Popple: So the software is civil and civil is that technology that does about half the work for us when we do these organizational assessments.
00:51:42.180 –> 00:51:56.820 Dave Popple: And that’s where I mentioned, with the hours that took into it civil is here, we really believe that we’re on the on the bleeding edge of technology, right now, we made it simple, but it goes deep cool.
00:51:57.090 –> 00:51:58.500 Joseph McElroy: And then you effectively city.
00:51:59.400 –> 00:52:09.240 Dave Popple: yeah back to city is a was was kind of a vanity project that’s done about five years ago, when my partner Danny Gonzales and I realized that.
00:52:09.660 –> 00:52:17.160 Dave Popple: There were a lot of unhappy 40 year olds out there, and the reason why there was so unhappy is because, when they were 1718 1920.
00:52:17.580 –> 00:52:23.310 Dave Popple: They made a decision about their career that didn’t didn’t really fit them and so fact is, it.
00:52:24.150 –> 00:52:42.060 Dave Popple: takes that those old career assessment until you’re supposed to be a forest ranger librarian or something like that and we took to the next level and instead of connecting it to just a small number of jobs we connected over 12,000 job types over 10,000 job titles right.
00:52:42.360 –> 00:52:47.370 Joseph McElroy: Well, thank you Dave for being a guest on the on my podcast and up and i’ll be seeing you this evening.
00:52:48.450 –> 00:52:54.330 Joseph McElroy: or a great great day bbq David does really is a great cook as well, so appreciate it.
00:52:54.690 –> 00:52:55.830 Dave Popple: Thank you so much, Joseph.
00:52:56.340 –> 00:53:03.600 Joseph McElroy: So we’re on the talk radio dot nyc network, I want to recommend you watch the other podcasts those network following this is a.
00:53:04.680 –> 00:53:11.070 Joseph McElroy: I think, Jeremy fox hosted the entrepreneurial web, I have another podcast on this network called gateway to the smokies i’m.
00:53:11.400 –> 00:53:22.350 Joseph McElroy: logged in the hospitality industry of a resort hotel in the mountains of North Carolina and that’s on Tuesdays from six to 7am I my company is Galileo tech media.
00:53:22.890 –> 00:53:36.540 Joseph McElroy: We are the people to call when you need wise content smart seo and editorial elite building we give you confidence to grow your business and the freedom to scale your team reaches a Galileo tech media.com.
00:53:37.260 –> 00:53:46.110 Joseph McElroy: This podcast is also streamed live in our Facebook page facebook.com slash wise content creates wealth.
00:53:46.560 –> 00:53:57.150 Joseph McElroy: and also on wise content creates wealth COM, you can get access to transcripts and and recordings of the previous podcast you can.
00:53:57.450 –> 00:54:09.360 Joseph McElroy: Listen live on iTunes and various things after the fact that live, and you can listen after the fact, on iTunes on talk radio dot nyc and other podcasts networks next week.
00:54:09.930 –> 00:54:18.450 Joseph McElroy: we’re going to head just Novak noveck who’s a director of St strategic accounts and global agency partner partnerships.
00:54:18.900 –> 00:54:33.600 Joseph McElroy: At the enterprise software solution called bright edge, which we have Galileo tech media us very well and she’s going to talk about things like smart content ideation with artificial intelligence.
00:54:34.410 –> 00:54:52.950 Joseph McElroy: And I think it will be a great show she’s very smart and she knows a lot about this space, so I look forward to seeing you next week at from on for on talk radio dot nyc from 1pm to two, thank you very much and talk to you next week.