Do You Know When to Say NO When it Comes to SEO?

A client of mine recently asked if it was worthwhile to pay $3000 to have an article about her on a prominent publisher  website (DA>90) be moved in front of the paywall it was behind. The supposed benefit was the SEO link in the content.  I told her NO. Why?

                  • The Page Authority of the Article was only 39. You can easily buy 15 links on DA 70+ pages for $3000. 
                  • I was able to discover that the link was originally NoFollow anyway. I also discovered that the article no longer had a link at all!
                  • She was getting brand mention value already, since the title mentioning her was outside the paywall. 
                  • I was able to show her how to leverage the article’s existence to get press on other high authority sites with links back to her site. 

It is my job to help my clients when they are feeling lost in the vast world of SEO and organic brand visibility. Do you wish you could have  direct conversations with an expert to demystify the strategies for elevating your online presence?

I specialize in guiding businesses through the digital wilderness, connecting them with cutting-edge strategies, and maximizing their brand’s visibility in the most competitive digital landscapes.

My Expertise is As Vast as the Stars (or pretty close)

My track record in digital marketing is marked by notable achievements such as recently a fourfold increase in a resort’s revenue over the past 2.5 years, as well as my work on large scale content and SEO projects with Marriott International that Skift recognized as having increased Direct Bookings by 17% in 2017. Other successes include optimizing a coupon online for Weleda that increased In-Store Sale of beauty products at Target and taking a small SAS financial software startup called Medius to becoming the largest in accounts payable management software in the industry. I have raised millions for dot-com startups focused on small businesses, and made millions building upon expertise in technology and digital marketing, especially organic growth driven by SEO and brand awareness.

My role in leading SEOenhanced Organic Brand Awareness campaigns and the development of AI content that explores synergies with neurological insights has been recently recognized by CEO Monthly Magazine for Most Influential CEO 2024 – New York (Travel & Hospitality Digital Marketing), solidifying my reputation as a thought leader in this space. I have had some to the top CEOs and SEOs in the digital marketing industry on my podcast Wise Content Creates Wealth demonstrating my position is near the top of the content marketing industry. These accomplishments showcase my capability to synthesize technical SEO proficiency with an intricate understanding of branding—a dual expertise that positions me as a key player in digital marketing.

Fondness for the Solo Entrepreneur 

Since 1991 when I quit IBM which caused great consternation in my management, I have been  determined not to be stuck in gray halls and gray walls. I bought one of the recently invented fax modems for the IBM PC and invented fax spam by sending my resume with a cover letter to do programming for hire. I’ve never worked without my own purpose since. I have built companies that made millions with only one employee…me. Don’t get me wrong, I have had partners and allies and acolytes. But  I have always crafted my work to my passions and desires. 

I am a solo entrepreneur. It makes me especially happy to work with solo entrepreneurs who need some guidance. Of course, I like the big guys for the impact and revenue. But I have more fun with the chaotic and crazy world of singletons trying to succeed. So I am currently assembling a select cohort of 10 dynamic solo entrepreneurs who need to elevate their business’s brand visibility and SEO effectiveness to unprecedented levels. If this is you, I will be your coach for skyrocketing awareness of your brand and increasing SEO dominance online. Our journey together will also focus on transforming you into a more independent, resilient, impactful, and visionary leader through our zoom meetings and ongoing chat sessions.  


Paid Coaching means Up to Date and New Ideas. 

Whether we’re starting from zero or refining your existing strategies, I’ll engage with you through strategic questioning to understand your unique business needs. If you have an existing site, I’ll conduct a thorough SEO and Brand audit to pinpoint areas for improvement. If you’re starting anew, I’ll perform a competitor analysis to provide you with immediate actionable insights. From there, I’ll explore innovative ideas and untapped resources to enhance your SEO and brand awareness.

I Personalize Strategies Because I know You and Your Business.

You’ll receive tailored advice on optimizing your website, content marketing strategies, and social media tactics, plus insights on navigating the ever-changing algorithms of search engines. I’m also here to answer all your queries about keyword research, link building, or mastering local SEO. I will usually roll up my sleeves on something because I am a haptic thinker, I have to get my hands on an idea to complete the vision. 

Two-hours Will Start your Zoom to the Stars

Our coaching consultation will unfold on Zoom, allowing me to share my screen and access a treasure trove of proven SEO tools and resources. This interactive session enables us to collaboratively map out your SEO journey, analyze your web presence in real-time, and even kick-start essential actions on the spot.

After the Coaching Consultation – Guidance and a Roadmap

You’ll receive a comprehensive guide, complete with actionable SEO strategies, tips for enhancing organic brand awareness, and a summary of our session. This document will serve as your roadmap, empowering you to execute our discussed strategies confidently and elevate your brand to new heights.

You are Not Abandoned – Further Services and Continued Coaching

To ensure your continued success and growth, further services and coaching are available exclusively to my coaching clients at preferential rates. Whether you’re looking for ongoing support to implement your new strategies, deeper dives into specific areas, or additional coaching sessions to keep your brand on the cutting edge, I am here to assist. I c

an also build teams to execute strategies for you that I will manage and train. These offerings are designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to maintain and build upon your digital presence, ensuring long-term success and visibility in the digital arena.

Secure Your Spot Now – the Cohort Spots are Filling Up!

Everybody is different, every business has different needs.  For the people and businesses that are gazelles, moving fast to get growth, we offer the Rocket Start Coaching package.  To encourage your determination to succeed, we offer an incentive of 25% off the retail price for our Initial Coaching package. Instead of $1500, you will pay $1000. Make a commitment of $500 today, and we will get started right away.  You will pay the remaining balance after the Zoom Consultation.

That is not all. As an extra Bonus, if you are not satisfied with the results of our working together, you will not have to pay the remaining balance. 

And that is still not all. If you continue after the Zoom Coaching Call, you will get a follow up Coaching Call for free to go over the work you have done and to suggest further actions to take. 

So take the step to success. After the initial $500 is received, expect an email with an invite to pick a date and time for an introductory zoom call where we can work on a Discovery document together. Prepare to be known! 

rocket to success