Hyperlocalization is one of the hottest marketing techniques to hit the Charleston hotel industry since the birth of the Internet. Because mobile is a way of life, and because consumers demand relatable content when they want it, more targeted searches occur now than ever and these searches drive the need for hyperlocal content from all business, but hotels in particular. Which means, hotels should be putting Charleston local SEO strategies into place to remain competitive and get a leg up on the competition.

Google’s 2014 Pigeon algorithm update gave the hospitality industry a great Google Places boost that emphasized, and began to meet, demand for laser-precise marketing. A hyperlocal approach to travel marketing ensued, and hotels not using the hyper-focused tactic fell away from the SERPs – replaced by those who implemented the necessary strategy.

Because we love hyperlocalization, and because we use hyperlocal strategies to boost conversion for our Charleston hotel clients, here are some things you should consider about hyperlocal SEO practices and reasons why these strategies will bring guests to your unique locale instead of another.

Charleston Local SEO Focuses on Mobile

Hotels receive extreme value from maintaining a hyperlocal presence online, including benefits gained from location-based promotions and advertising. Charleston hotels can absolutely tap into the value of hyperlocalization through AdWords campaigns and online promos, but they can also target guests via their smartphones – using GPS data to geographically deliver content that’s relevant when travelers are traveling.

A study by Eleven Wireless reported that 74% of guests said they would access a hotel’s content on their mobile devices. This means that you can look like a winner, and a better hotel choice than your competition, when you recommend nearby shopping places, restaurants, and attractions in Charleston via a branded hotel app or mobile website. Think of your app or mobile site as being a personalized tour guide for your guests, offering the information they need from a reliable and trusted source.

Mine Data to Scout Prospective Guests

Charleston hotels can dig deep for useful data by analyzing the demographics of current guests, and by scouting prospective guests through various tools, to optimize new and recurring bookings. Already-held data and regional data from many sources can deliver insight into where a hotel’s customer’s come from – both in terms of location and socio-economic background – which is invaluable information when hotel managers are looking to optimize marketing efforts.

Using mined data, a hotel marketer can create hyperlocal content and campaigns that provide value for travelers searching for the best place to stay for an upcoming trip. Of course, it’s not easy to sift through all of this data, so tools like SnapShot and others applications can help a hotel integrate its current customer relationship management system (CRM) so it keeps track of figures like rate comparisons, social media reach, website conversion rate, and guest satisfaction.

This is just the beginning of hyperlocalizing your marketing efforts for increased conversion rate, which in your case is more filled guest rooms. You should also create a winning Wi-Fi landing page that allows guests to log into your Wi-Fi network on a branded page. This page should feature relevant hyperlocal content and advertisements for top restaurants, shops, and attractions in your immediate area. In addition, your website must contain hyperlocal content aimed at enhancing a guest’s experience while staying at your Charleston hotel. Your hyperlocal content will establish you as an expert in your precise geographic area and it will convince travelers that your hotel is the hotel they must stay in.

A Few Final Words on Hyperlocalization for Charleston Hotels

Hotels have several avenues they can explore when developing a hyperlocal SEO campaign. While its best to implement a campaign that includes multiple strategies, zoning in on your target customers by highlighting your local area in at least one way to start will get you on the road to positioning your hotel as the top hotel in Charleston.