Keyword Research is such an important part of a content marketing campaign, so don’t let yourself get stuck into using just one keyword analysis tool. Google AdWords can be your best friend, but there are other tools that provide a broader picture of your buyers’ needs. By analyzing Twitter hashtags, you get invaluable information related to what your customers and potential customers are talking about now. And, you can find inspiration for the cross-channel message your brand should be sharing to enhance the conversation.

Of course, the top topics on Twitter will often vary from those on Facebook and Instagram. And, they might not be exactly what blog post readers are concerned with. But, they’re a good guide into the minds of consumers in a given industry. So, again, don’t get locked into anything and, for instance, decide that the Twitter hashtags you find in your research must absolutely be the keywords used in your web content. Simply look to what’s trending on Twitter as that – trends and ideas worth exploring in your content if they pertain to your business’ offerings and goals.

Analyze Twitter Hashtags to Help You Focus on Strings Not Things

Because Google’s Hummingbird update changed the way the best marketers deliver content (it forced us to focus on things, not strings… meaning Google wants to understand the meaning behind the content and not just identify words), we can use Twitter hashtags as one of many launch pads to propel us into the various places within the buyer journey.

Twitter is a useful keyword analysis tool to help us brainstorm content that would be compelling to our target buyer. It improves our ability to connect with potential customers in a larger market, perhaps on social media channels we hadn’t considered before. Researching Twitter hashtags gives us a better path to expanded understanding our the buyer and how to widen our market presence. And, analyzing Twitter hashtags is a free keyword research tool!

Revealing Customer Needs by Analyzing Twitter Hashtags

Keywords are more than just words to include in your content in hopes of finding success according to some formula. They’re insight into the mind of the consumer along the customer journey, from initial query about something until purchase or another type of conversion. Twitter hashtags reveal a great deal about what buyers want and need, even if they’re not actively customers yet.

Since Twitter hashtags are completely user-created (unless they show up in an advertisement), you can use them to curate a list of keywords that will help you produce content immediately relevant to your target audience. Twitter hashtags let you find keywords and content inspiration from real conversations that users have. There’s no trying to figure out intent like you have to do when analyzing keywords or keyword phrases typed into a search box. When you analyze Twitter hashtags, you’re able to pull up real-time discussion after discussion and read about the challenges that users are experiencing. Then, you can plan to solve their problems through delivering content that includes related keywords that Google search will pick up on.

You can even target your Twitter hashtag research to be geo-specific, which helps you improve your local SEO efforts. There isn’t one specific strategy to follow when using Twitter hashtags to find keywords. The way you should analyze hashtags and implement the results you find comes down to your business’ needs and goals. Just know that this tool is out there and it’s a great addition to your keyword research toolkit.

To find out more about using Twitter hashtags to find keywords and other keyword analysis tool strategies, contact Galileo Tech Media.