Businesses selling everything from shoes and clothes to travel and real estate want to get to the top of search engine results pages [SERPs]. But, ranking on page 1 takes hard work. There’s no magic bullet to spring to the top or even stay there. With hard work and commitment, it’s possible, but the journey can be riddled with detours as Google changes its ranking algorithms seemingly every day. Digital marketers are always on the look out for top SEO tools to make their jobs easier.

There are some tools that small and large SEO teams can use, however, to keep up with Google as best as possible. The top 10 SEO tools include cloud-based, self-service options from keyword finders to search metrics analyzers. You can’t advertise your way to prominence with Google or any other search engine. You can work to boost your organic traffic, though, and stay competitive or even rise above the competition. Take a look at PC Mag’s Best SEO Tools of 2018.