When putting together a Smart SEO strategy, focusing on link building as a tactic is critical.

Link building boosts your website’s authority and increases brand awareness. It helps put you in the position for Google to notice you and rank you high in search results.

How does link building improve your reputation and relevance within Google search?

Through an intelligently and carefully managed process that points high-quality organic traffic back to your site.

What is Link building?

Link building is an SEO tool that involves associating pieces of great content with other valuable content.

Links between content can be no-follow or follow links.

A Smart SEO strategy will have a delicate balance of no-follow and follow links. No-follow links are typically links back to your site that come from sponsored content or directories.

Follow links are earned links from authoritative web presences like news websites. They can also come from high-traffic blogs.

This guide to link building focuses on follow links. Having a healthy amount of follow links pointing back to your website improves conversions and increases brand awareness.

Why is White-Hat Link Building Important?

Brands and SEO companies have many options for increasing the number of follow links that point back to a website.

Some strategies for obtaining links do more harm than good, however.

When creating and implementing a link building campaign, using white hat (good) tactics is essential. If your link building strategy includes black-hat techniques like spam links (or paying for too many links) Google will penalize you.

Additionally, your link building plan shouldn’t include going after any and every link you can get, on any website.

SEO managers and link building strategies should remember that building a site’s authority is the key point of link building.

Therefore, anyone tasked with this tactic should only seek out links from sites that are relevant to theirs.

And from those that are authoritative within the given industry.

Link Building Tips

What is Galileo’s Approach to Link Building?

Galileo Tech Media works with companies in travel, real estate, and other industries to build a varied link profile for the clients’ websites.

We start our link building approach with SEO tactics like:

Of course, understanding our clients’ overall brand strategy is paramount.

Then, we get to work with:

  • a backlink audit
  • qualification of link partner opportunities
  • outreach
  • more content development as needed

For this guide, let’s assume you’ve done initial keyword research, identified your target customer, developed content based on high-traffic keywords, and performed a backlink audit.

Qualification of link partner opportunities and link building outreach is where many brands struggle.

We’ll give you some tips on tools to make the job easier. And tactics to serve as a road map for your link building efforts.

Which Are the Best Tools for Link Building Outreach?

Qualifying websites for link building is one of the most challenging parts of the tactic. Gathering contact information for qualified sites isn’t a simple task either.

Both processes are time-consuming.

With so much to take care of in a Smart SEO strategy, saving time and effort on any process is a good thing.

At Galileo, we turn to readily available tools to make link building qualification and outreach easier.

Here are some of our favorites.


Ubersuggest is one of the best tools for all-around SEO. It’s excellent to identify high-traffic keywords, research your competitor’s keywords, and find link building opportunities.

You can use Ubersuggest’s Keyword Analyzer to identify backlink opportunities.

This tool allows you to target pages that rank for any given keyword. You can then export these entries to a CSV for use in your outreach.

Outreach after using Ubersuggest can involve contacting the relevant identified sites and asking them to link to your site from their content. When you send your outreach email, suggest (confirm) the anchor keyword(s) to link back to you.

You may find that some of the pages you identify in Ubersuggest are round-up or resource articles.

Your outreach for these sources could consist of requests to be included as an authoritative tool or service within the content.

Ubersuggest’s Traffic Analyzer is a perfect tool for analyzing your competitors’ content.

You can use Traffic Analyzer to see which keywords your competitor ranks for. Then, follow up with a search for backlinks to your competitor’s content based on these keywords. Export the CSV for these entries. Then, reach out to the relevant sites and ask them to link to you instead.


Postaga is another helpful tool that takes much of the manual work out of link building.

It helps you identify outreach opportunities for inclusion in product reviews, resource lists, and roundups. In addition, you can build relationships through Postaga by finding relevant websites for guest posting.

If you’ve mentioned companies or blogs in your content, Postaga helps you easily connect with those potential sources of backlinks.

On top of discovering outreach opportunities, Postaga identifies the right contacts for your email campaigns.

Using Postaga, it takes minutes to source email addresses, Twitter handles, and LinkedIn profiles for sites you want to reach out to.

We love Postaga’s email templates that optimize response rates.

Of course, all templated material should be personalized with your unique value proposition. So, use Postaga’s templates as a starting point for outreach that builds relationships by highlighting mutual growth opportunities.

Postaga features an AI assistant that identifies relevant snippets of content you can include in your emails to make them more personal.

The powerful tool automates all of the link building outreach strategies that we run at Galileo Tech Media. Here are some of the link building campaigns you can run with Postaga:

  • Cold Outreach – Postaga helps you find relevant contacts based on keywords or content you input. It then lets you create personalized email sequences to build relationships and secure backlinks.
  • Reviews Outreach – Use Reviews Outreach to find websites that review your competitors’ products. Reach out to ask them to review what you offer.
  • Mention Outreach – In a Mention Outreach campaign, you’ll reach out to sites that you’ve mentioned or linked to in your content. Ask them to link to you, share your content, or allow a guest post.
  • Link Round-Up Outreach – Link Round-Up Outreach is an easy way to get quality backlinks. With this type of campaign, you’ll contact sites that regularly publish blog posts or articles sharing resources like yours.
  • Tools Outreach – Tools Outreach campaigns consist of email sequences sent to sites that share tools similar to yours. In your outreach, ask blog post and article authors to include you in their content.
  • Resources Outreach – Resource link building is effective because many journalists and authors continually look for new resources to include in their content. Your outreach can make it easier for them to get quality content. You benefit by securing an authoritative backlink.

You can use Postaga to run custom campaigns based on CSVs you’ve downloaded from Ubersuggest.

Link Building Tips Summary

There are many other tools and tactics available to build a solid backlink profile for your site. But, these are a good launch point for any SEO link building campaign.

Don’t have time to work on link building? Galileo Tech Media can help.

We have many clients who outsource their link building because it allows them to be more effective at what they do.

Galileo Tech Media has a team of link building experts. We currently support link building for clients in travel, real estate, construction, consulting, end-of-life planning, and other industries.

We can work with you in an on-demand, as needed, and supportive link building capacity. Our team also creates and implements complete link building strategies for companies who wish to outsource the entire tactic.

Contact Galileo Tech Media to learn more.